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  • PhD in Biorobotics since October 2023 working on: novel mechatronics endoluminal devices for advanced diagnosis in Device for High Resolution Manometry - DHRY funded by MEDICA s.p.a, software development for IoT applications for the EU H2020 project ODIN: Leveraging AI based technology to transform the future of health care delivery in Leading Hospitals in Europe
  • Research Fellow (in 2022) in collaboration with Medica s.p.a 
  • M.Sc. Bionics Engineering pursued in Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna and Università di Pisa (in 2021), thesis on " Development of a novel capacitive-based catheter for urethral pressure profilometry" (supervisor Prof. Ciuti)
  • B.Sc in Biomedical Engineering in Università degli Studi di Palermo (in 2019) focusing on biomedical instrumentation and signal processing, final project on " Correlation analysis of EEG signals in non-treatable epileptic patients " (supervisor Prof. Faes)



  • Conferences: Invited talk at IEEE SENSORS 2023-Wien, Austria 
  • Co-teaching and tutoring: IoT Fundamentals  at 2nd Doctoral Summer School on Robotics and Intelligent Machines – DRIMS2 a.y. 2023/2024, Volterra, Italy