TWIST - Trasformazioni del Welfare, Innovazione Sociale, Diritti e Terzo settore

Deadline for Registration
Learning objectives
The seasonal school is aimed at acquire knowledge and skills on the organization of welfare systems and access to fundamental rights, focusing on the innovative elements of the relationship between public and private entities, with a particular reference to the analysis of community’s needs and to the identification of innovative solutions to cope with it. The Course combines, in an interdisciplinary perspective, the institutional profiles of welfare systems with the analysis of some specific social sectors related to the reduction of inequalities, the fight against social exclusion and the creation of inclusive societies (objectives of the United Nations 2030 Agenda). These main objectives represent the most important challenges that, in the current historical context, await the welfare systems and require specific skills for the design and implementation of innovative paths, also to mitigate the economic and social impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. Moreover, a specific attention will be devoted to the NextGenerationEU program, aimed at making economies and societies in EU Member States more sustainable, resilient and prepared for the challenges and opportunities of the ecological and digital transition. In this framework, the Course also offers a key to understanding the measures that, in line with this EU program, will be envisaged and implemented as part of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, which identifies, among others, innovation, health, education and inclusion as strategic axes.
Teaching methodologies
The seasonal school promote an interactive and cross-disciplinary learning environment that facilitate problem solving as well as strong decision-making and strategic communication. The course will be articulated in lectures, working groups, case studies as well as meetings with social innovation experts.
Who should attend this Seasonal School?
Undergraduate, postgraduate and PhD students from different backgrounds who are interested in the course topics (e.g., law, political science, social sciences, sociology, philosophy, etc.).
Coordinator and key teaching staff
Coordinators: Emanuele Rossi, Elena Vivaldi, Luca Gori, Francesca Biondi Dal Monte.
Key teaching staff: David Natali, Giuseppe Martinico, Cristina Napoli, Paolo Addis.