Inizio contenuto principale del sito

NQSTI - National Quantum Science and Technology Institute


This project targets the creation of the National Quantum Science and Technology Institute (NQSTI), a consortium that (i) will team up Italian entities carrying out competitive and innovative research in the field of quantum science and technology (QST), and (ii) will stimulate future industrial innovation in this field, providing a forum in which novel ideas and opportunities are transferred to companies. In order to ensure a long-term positive effect on the Italian economic growth and development, the whole innovation chain was considered: from the strengthening and coordination of the low-TRL research, to its translation into prototypes, favouring interfacing with industrial needs thanks to strong outreach and continued-education programs.

Importantly, the creation and incubation of spin-offs and start-ups that can move research outcomes up in the TRL-ranking are included in the proposal scope with significant resources and a special focus onto the southern regions.

Soggetto proponente

Università degli Studi di Camerino



Società Consortile a Responsabilità Limitata NQSTI scarl


Spoke di affiliazione

  • Spoke 6 “Integration” – (Referente Scientifico Scuola: Prof. Giampiero Contestabile)
  • Spoke 7 “Complete Quantum System” – (Referente Scientifico Scuola: Prof. Giampiero Contestabile)
  • Spoke 8 “Technology Transfer” – (Referente Scientifico Scuola: Prof. Giampiero Contestabile)
  • Spoke 9 “Education and Outreach” – (Referente Scientifico Scuola: Prof. Giampiero Contestabile)


Istituti/Centri di Ricerca coinvolti

Istituto TeCIP
Area Terza Missione



36 mesi (1 dicembre 2022 - 30 novembre 2025)


Budget SSSA

955.250,56 euro