Allievo Perfezionando
Istituto di Biorobotica
Marco Griffa
I attained bachelor and master degrees in Automation and Control engineering at Politecnico di Milano, with a master thesis on automatic control of a rotating spool fishing reel. I worked for a year and half in the Automotive field. Currently I'm a first year PhD Student in the Bio-Robotic Ecosystems Lab at Biorobotic Institute. My primary activities consist in bio-hybrid control systems, bioinspired environmental sensors, controlled ecosystems and closed-loop animal-robot interaction, both for practical applications and ethological studies. My PhD Project is mainly focused on the interaction between robotics, animals and the wole ecosystem, with a focus on closed loop control. This includes both the direct control of closed ecosystems and the indirect control of real, large ecosystems through the interaction with eusocial insects like bees and termites.
Currently my main activities are represented by projects HORIZON-EIC-2023-PATHFINDEROPEN-01, SENSORBEES “Sensorbees are ENhanced Self-ORganizing Bio-hybrids for Ecological and Environmental Surveillance”, (2024-2029), and PRIN COSMIC "COntrolled Space MIcroecological system
supporting eCopoiesis” (2023-2025)