Professore Ordinario
Istituto di Intelligenza Meccanica
Scarica il curriculum vitaeFabrizio Cesare Filippo Di Pasquale
Fabrizio Di Pasquale received the degree in electronic engineering from the University of Bologna, Italy, in 1989, and the Ph.D. degree in information technology from the University of Parma, Italy, in 1993. From 1993 to 1998, he was with the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University College London, U.K., as a Research Fellow, working on optical amplifiers, WDM optical communication systems, and liquid crystal displays. After two years with Pirelli Cavi e Sistemi and two years with Cisco Photonics Italy, he moved to Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa, Italy, where he is currently a Full Professor of telecommunications and Director of the Institute of Mechanical Intelligence. He is the Co-founder of Infibra Technologies S.r.l., a spin-off company of Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, developing and marketing fiber optic sensor systems. He has filed 25 patents and is author or coauthor of more than 250 scientific journals and conference papers. His research interests include optical fiber sensors, silicon photonics, optical amplifiers, WDM transmission systems and networks. He has been the TPC member of several international conferences and on the Board of Reviewers of international refereed journals.
Google Scholar profile: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=Q6jCbxsAAAAJ&hl=it
Italian Patent, filed on October 7 2022 (102022000020679), “Metodo di monitoraggio di strutture in materiale composito, dispositivo di monitoraggio ed assieme di elemento da monitorare comprendente taledispositivo di monitoraggio”, Titolarità: Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna (60%), Carbon Dream S.p.A. (40%)
Inventors: M. Gabardi, L. Tozzetti, M. Solazzi, S. Faralli, F. Di Pasquale, D. Benedetti
Italian Patent (2020) “Metodo e sistema per interrogare un sensore Fibre Bragg Grating (FBG) birifrangente, impiegante rilevazione ottica eterodina Titolarità: (Brembo Freni S.p.A., Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna)
Inventors: S. Faralli, F. Di Pasquale, L. Tozzetti, Y. Muanenda, F. Camozzi, B. Szewczyk (2020)
International patent application PCT/IB2020/057443, “Method and system for interrogating Fiber Bragg Grating sensors using a tunable bandpass filter”, (2020) (Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Brembo S.p.A.)
Inventors: F. Camozzi, B. Szewczyk, S. Faralli, F. Di Pasquale
Italian Patent , filed on September 2019: “Metodo e sistema per interrogare un sensore a fibra ottica di tipo Fiber Bragg Grating, impiegante un filtro ottico passabanda sintonizzabile”, (2019) (Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Brembo S.p.A.)
Inventors: F. Camozzi, B. Szewczyk, S. Faralli, F. Di Pasquale
Italian Patent RA2013A000001, filed on January 2013: “Dispostivo Ottico” (2013) (Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Univeristy of California at Santa Barbara)
Inventors: P. Pintus, F. Di Pasquale, J. Bowers
European Patent Application P36731 “New Silicon Photonic Add/Drop Switching and Aggregator Architecture with Enhanced Loss and Larger Micro-ring Diameter” (2012) (Marconi-Ericsson)
Inventors: F. Testa, P. Pintus, F. Di Pasquale, A. D’Errico
- Italian Patent PI2010A136, filed on 9.12.2010: “Measurement apparatus protecting the use of hybrid sensor for distributed temperature measurement and dynamic strain measurement” (2010) (Fibersens S.r.l.) Inventors: G. Bolognini, F. Di Pasquale, T. Nannipieri, G. Sacchi, A. Signorini
Italian Patent PI2010A46, filed on 09-04.2010: “Measurement apparatus protecting the use of distributed cycling codes technique in Raman distributed sensing” (2010) (Fibersens S.r.l.)
Inventors: G. Bolognini, F. Di Pasquale, R. Roncella, A. Lazzeri, F. Baronti
Italian Patent PI2009A111, filed on 04.09.2009: “Measurement apparatus protecting the use of multi-wavelength optical sources within optical fiber sensors based on Brillouin scattering” (2009) (Fibersens S.r.l.)
Inventors: G. Bolognini, F. Di Pasquale, M.A. Soto
Italian Patent RA2008A47, filed on 21.11.2008: “Measurement apparatus protecting the use of optical pulse coding within optical fiber sensor systems based on spontaneous Brillouin scattering” (2009) (Fibersens S.r.l.)
Inventors: G. Bolognini, F. Di Pasquale, M.A. Soto
International patent application PCT IT2009/000525, filed on 20.11.2009: Measurement apparatus protecting the use of optical pulse coding within optical fiber sensor systems based on stimulated Brillouin scattering (2009) (Fibersens S.r.l.)
Inventors: G. Bolognini, F. Di Pasquale, M.A. Soto
International patent application PCT/IB2008/051126: “Integrated optical waveguide amplifier or laser with rare-earth ions and sensitizer elements co-doped core and related optical pumping method” (Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa, Italy – Teem Photonics, Grenoble, France)
Inventors: F. Di Pasquale, S. Faralli, L. Pavesi (2008)
Italian Patent BI831F: “Amplificatore ottico di segnale o laser a guida d’onda integrato con core drogato con un elemento sensibilizzatore e ioni stimolabili di terre rare e relativo metodo di pompaggio ottico” (Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa, Italy)
Inventors: F. Di Pasquale, S. Faralli, L. Pavesi (2007)
Italian Patent BI790F : “Amplificatore ottico di segnale o laser a guida d'onda integrato con core drogato con terre rare e nanocluster di silicio e relativo metodo di pompaggio ottico di detto amplificatore” (Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa, Italy)
Inventors: F. Di Pasquale, L. Pavesi (2007)
US Patent US2008/0297883 A1: “Raman amplifier structure”
Inventors: S. Faralli, G. Bolognini, G. Sacchi, F. Di Pasquale (Marconi-Ericsson)
US Patent US7417790 B2: “Looped Optical Network with ASE Light Recirculation and Network Survivability Control System”, (US Pat. App 10/571,506 - Filed Sep 10, 2004, Marconi-Ericsson)
Inventors: G. Sacchi, A. D’Errico, A. Bogoni, F. Di Pasquale
US Patent US7684111 B2: “Counter-Pumped Distributed Raman Amplifier in Wavelenth Division Multiplexed Optical Communication Systems”, (US Pat. App 10554193 - Filed Apr 23, 2004, MarconiEricsson)
Inventors: S. Sugliani, G. Sacchi, F. Di Pasquale
US Patent US6646786: “Copropagating Raman pump unit to suppress four-wave mixing crosstalk between pump modes and WDM signals”, (US Pat. 6646786 - Filed May 6, 2002 - Cisco Technology, Inc.)
Inventors: F. Meli, F. Di Pasquale
US Patent US6657777: “Interleaved lumped raman amplifier structure based on highly nonlinear fibers for densely spaced WDM channels”, (US Pat. 6657777 - Filed Dec 5, 2001 - Cisco Technology, Inc)
Inventors: F. Meli, F. Di Pasquale, G. Sacchi
US Patent US6903863: “Gain flattened bi-directionally pumped Raman amplifier for WDM transmission systems”, (US Pat. 6903863 - Filed Dec 5, 2001 - Cisco Technology, Inc.)
Inventors: F. Carniel, F. Di Pasquale, A.L. Braverman
US Patent US6798945: “Lumped raman amplifier for adaptive dispersion compensation”, (US Pat. 6798945 - Filed Aug 30, 2001 - Cisco Technology, Inc.)
Inventors: F. Di Pasquale, F. Forghieri
US Patent US6862132: “Suppression of double rayleigh backscattering and pump reuse in a raman amplifier”, (US Pat. 6862132 - Filed Aug 13, 2001 - Cisco Technology, Inc.)
Inventors: E. Casaccia, F. Di Pasquale, G. Grasso
US Patent US2001033412: “Optical amplifier and optical transmission system”, (US Pat. 6519080 - Filed Feb 28, 2001 - Corning O.T.I. SpA)
Inventors: P. Vavassori, P. Gurnari, G. Sacchi, F. Di Pasquale
US Patent US6961522: “Automatic raman gain and tilt control for ultra-long-distance dense WDM optical communication system”, (US Pat. 6961522 - Filed Nov 22, 2000 - Cisco Technology, Inc.)
Inventors: R. Castagnetti, F. Di Pasquale, G. Grasso, F. Meli, G. Sacchi
US Patent US6437906: “All-optical gain controlled L-band EDFA structure with reduced four-wave mixing cross-talk”, (US Pat. 6437906 - Filed Nov 22, 2000 - Cisco Technology, Inc.)
Inventors: F. Di Pasquale, G. Sacchi, A. Zermani, S. Turolla
US Patent US6603598, “Optical amplifier unit and optical propagation system”, (US Pat. 6603598 - Filed Sep 28, 2000 - Corning O.T.I. Inc)
Inventors: G. Oliveti, G. Rossi, V.G. Gusmeroli, G. Sacchi, F. Di Pasquale
JP2001068772: “Automatically gain controlled multi-wavelength amplifying remote control communication system”
Inventors: F. Meli, F. Di Pasquale, G. Sacchi, S. Turolla
US Patent US6556346: “Light-amplifying device and light transmission system”, (US Pat. 6556346 - Filed Sep 21, 1999 - Corning O.T.I. SpA)
Inventors: F. Di Pasquale, F. Meli, G. Sacchi, S. Turolla