Personale Tecnico Amm.vo
Area Terza Missione
Enrico Catalano
Dr. Enrico Catalano
BSc, Biotechnology Scientist, Nanomedicine researcher, Biologist, Ph.D. Undergraduate modules of Mathematics and Physics - Open University
Post-Doc Fellow in Biorobotics Institute at SSSA, within the “Regenerative Technologies” Lab of The BioRobotics Institute, involved in the research project ADMAIORA funded under the Horizon 2020 EU Framework Programme.
He graduated in Medical Biotechnology and Molecular Medicine. He is Biotechnology Scientist, Nanomedicine researcher and Biologist. He has broad scientific interest in Nanotechnology, Regenerative medicine, Tissue Engineering, Molecular Medicine and Biology.
He has obtained his PhD in Biotechnologies for human health at University of Piemonte Orientale (Italy) with a project for the biocompatibility of iron-oxide nanoparticles and application of nanomedicine for anticancer therapies. His research interests are related to biological and physicochemical characterization of nanoparticles, development of new solutions of targeted nanomedicine and nanoimmunotherapy for cancer, design of biomaterials and regenerative medicine applications.
From 2016 – March 2020 he was Marie-Curie Scientia Fellows postdoc at University of Oslo with a project entitled: “New therapeutic approaches for personalized breast cancer nanomedicine”. In 2014 he was awarded with the ImmunoTools special Award 2014 for “The role of the immune microenvironment in tumor progression”.
In 2016 he was appointed for "NanoInnovation Got Talent" to young nanotechnology researchers awarded by the Bracco Foundation during NanoInnovation 2016 Conference. In 2018 he was selected as one of the top 500 worldwide young scientists to participate in the 68th Lindau Nobel Meeting in Medicine&Physiology.
In 2020 he was nominated like 8th Heidelberg Laureate Forum Young Researcher 2021 – selected in a worldwide competition between 224 participants from natural sciences, mathematics, computer science
He received also the Certificate of Award MARIE SKŁODOWSKA-CURIE Fellowship from European Union Commission. He has authored 37 scientific publications on International Journals and conference proceedings in the field of nanomedicine and tissue engineering, including 5-chapter books, he has obtained 40 Grants and awards and 2 International Patents.