Ph.D. students
Dirpolis Institute
Emanuele Fazio
Emanuele is a Ph.D. Candidate in Law at Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies and a Visiting Scholar at Columbia Law School. He is also a Visiting Doctoral Fellow at Sciences Po and a qualified lawyer. He graduated summa cum laude in Law from the University of Trento in 2020 with a dissertation in EU Administrative Law on the holistic approach to competing regulatory paradigms in the data-driven economy. During his undergraduate studies, he spent six months at the Faculty of European Law of the University of Maastricht and three months as a guest researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Innovation & Competition in Munich. Since graduating, he was a trainee at CONSOB where he conducted research on the application of artificial intelligence to portfolio management. Thereafter, he was a legal trainee at the State District Attorney's Office and a law firm. His primary research interests include EU Administrative Law and Comparative Private Law, related to the twin transitions, competition policy, market regulation and data law.
- EU Administrative Law
- Competition Law
- Data Law
- Consumer Protection Law
- Theories of Regulation
- Digital & Green Transitions
- E. Fazio, Experimentalist Competition Enforcement: A Complementary Data Sharing Toolkit (Forthcoming)
E. Fazio, Data-driven Ecosystems: Competition Law as a Way to Link Sustainability and Digitalisation (Forthcoming)
E. Fazio, Coherent Application Within the ECN. Elgar Encyclopaedia of Competition Law (Forthcoming)
E. Fazio, Effect on Trade Between Member States. Elgar Encyclopaedia of Competition Law (Forthcoming)
E. Fazio, Rethinking Competition Enforcement for Sustainable Data-driven Ecosystems, Competition Policy International (2024)
E. Fazio, The Complementary Role of Competition Law for Sustainable Data-driven Ecosystems, a chapter of "My Data Is Mine - AI, Data Protection, and a Digital Society" ed. Giuffrè (2024)
E. Fazio, Le “eccezioni” del diritto della concorrenza per contrastare la povertà energetica. (2023)
E. Fazio, Adapting Competition Law to the digital transition. Two Challenges. European Papers (2022)
E. Fazio, ll problema delle competenze settoriali e l’adozione di un approccio olistico alla data-driven economy. Il diritto dell'economia (2021)
E. Fazio, L’istituto della fungibilità in materia di ingiusta detenzione: tra monetizzazione dell’indennizzo e ‘compensazione legale’ con la diversa pena (ancora) da espiare. Rassegna Avvocatura dello Stato (2021)
Conferences & Workshops:
- Discussant at the SRS Colloquium The EU Renaissance of Republicanism: On the Future of EU Law in Light of Article 2 TEU – Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies (24 June 2024)
Speaker at the 2nd Doctoral Research Day - Sciences Po (7 June 2024)
Discussant at the SRS Colloquium Planning as a New Mode of EU Governance – Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies (7 June 2024)
Chairman at the SRS Colloquium Regulating Uncertainty Through Participation: An Interdisciplinary Dialogue – Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies (26 March 2024)
Chairman & Speaker at the SIDE 2024 Conference Governance, tort and property in the digital era - Department of Economics, University of Brescia (15 December 2023)
Speaker at the ICON-S Benelux Inaugural Conference Crises, Challenges, and the Future of Public Law – Maastricht University (27 October 2023)
Speaker & Discussant at the Workshop Ceci n’est pas un paper – Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies (20 October 2023)
Speaker at the ICON-S Italy Annual Conference Politica e Istituzioni tra Trasformazioni e Riforme – Bocconi University (13-14 October 2023)
Organiser & Chairman at the Internet Festival 2023 IA Generativa oltre lo Spazio e il Tempo – Pisa (4 October 2023)
Speaker at the Poster Session of LEAR Competition Festival – Rome (26 September 2023)
Speaker at the Conference Data Sharing within the EU Digital Market – Faculty of Management, University of Warsaw (14-15 September 2023)
Speaker at the Conference Digital Technologies, Public Policy & Competition law – Erasmus University Rotterdam (1-2 June 2023)
Speaker at the Conference The Gift of the Evil D-AI-ty. Regulating Data and AI in Europe – Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies (1-2 December 2022)
Speaker at the ICON-S Italy Annual Conference Il Futuro dello Stato – University of Bologna (16-17 September 2022)
Speaker at the 79° Nexa Lunch Seminar: Data-Driven Economy – Politecnico di Torino (24 June 2020)