PhD in Agrobiosciences
Three-year Programme structured in 2 curricula: Genomics and crop production; Agriculture, environment and landscape

The aim of the Programme is to use a high-level teaching and research path to train persons of high scientific and professional profile who are just as able to successfully enter:
- National and International public and private research institutions.
- Organisations and companies working with advanced technologies in the field of plant biotechnology and crop production.
- Organisations and companies working in the organisation and planning of sustainable agriculture at a farm and territorial level.
The PhD in Agrobiosciences is a three-year Programme structured in 2 curricula:
- Genomics and crop production: Plant biotechnologies; Plant genetics and physiology; Plant genomics; Crop production sciences; Advanced technologies in horticulture; Quality of crop production.
- Agriculture, Environment and Landscape: Sustainable and multifunctional agriculture; Organic and integrated agriculture; Quality of crop production; Functional biodiversity in agroecosystems; Plant/soil Interactions and soil fertility; Biomass, energy and industrial crops; Water-related agro-ecosystem services.