Full Professor
Centro di Ricerca Interdisciplinare per la Sostenibilità e il Clima
Download curriculum vitaeRoberto Buizza
Full Professor in Physics (Italian Scientific DIscipline Sector PHYS-05/B) at Scuola Universitaria Superiore Sant'Anna, and Honorary Research Fellow at Imperial College Grantham Institute for Climate Change, London.
In 2022-2023 served as Scientific Attaché at the Embassy of Italy in the UK, in London, leading the Office for Science, and advising the Italian Ambassador and the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affair and International Cooperation on education and scientific issues.
An internationally known, top quality scientist, expert in the physics of the atmosphere, Earth-system modelling, meteorology, predictability, and climate science. Coordinator of the Centre for Climate Change studies and Sustainable Actions (3CSA), a joint venture of three top Italian Universities: ‘Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna‘ of Pisa, ‘Scuola Normale Superiore’ of Pisa, and ‘Istituto Studi Superiori IUSS’ of Pavia. Contributor to the Italian National Research Plan (PNR) 2021-2027, and key designer of a new Italian inter-university PhD program on climate change and sustainably (started on 1 November 2021; budget 4M euros, 105 students, 30 Universities). Engaged in outreach and education activities (often interviewed at Italian national television and radio programs on climate and extreme weather issues). Member of external advisor committees of major international research and operational centers.
A very successful and impactful leader and manager of the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) Research Department between 1991 and 2018, with proven ability to bring together people from different backgrounds, and a member of the ECMWF Senior Management Team. A key contributor to the development of the ECMWF Earth-system model and prediction systems. A keen, engaged and committed supporter of ECMWF stakeholder communication activities. Responsible for the ECMWF partnership activities that led to the establishment of cooperation agreements with China, the United States National Weather Service, and the US National Centre for Atmospheric Research. A committed team player with a strong multidisciplinary educational background, teaching experience, effective communication skills and a strong publication record. Integrity, passion for work and intellectual curiosity, and genuine interest in teaching and mentoring are also key traits of my personality.
Physics of the Atmosphere, Earth-system modelling, climate change, meteorology and predictability:
- Science Diplomacy;
- Development and operational implementation of the ECMWF coupled ensembles, which provide the best medium-range predictions in the world;
- Development and implementation of stochastic methods to simulate model errors in Earth-system models;
- Completion of the first European coupled (ocean, land, sea-ice, and atmosphere) reanalysis of the 20th century;
- Contributed to the development and implementation of the ECMWF strategies, and negotiated cooperation agreements with key organizations from the US, China, Australia, South Korea, Japan;
- Developed and implemented methods to estimate the probability of extreme events;
- Developed and implemented probabilistic verification methods.
List of Invited Seminars and Oral Presentation to International Conferences (from 2004 to 2021)
- Short Course on “Il Clima della Terra” at Liceo Scientifico S.A. Menaggio (23/10/21-4/12/21):
- L1 - Le componenti del sistema Terra che determinano il suo clima
- L2 - Modelli: cosa è un modello del sistema Terra?
- L3 - Osservazioni del sistema Terra e ricostruzione del clima passato
- L4 - Certezze ed errori, feedback e punti di non ritorno
- L5 - Breve storia del clima della Terra
- L6 - Il cambiamento climatico e gli scenari futuri
- Annual Meeting of the Belgian Physical Society, BPS-2021 (Hasselt University, 2/12/21):
- Invited lecture on “Noise and Butterflies: Weather and Climate Prediction in a World of Uncertainties”
- Kick-off meeting of the new Italian national PhD program on Sustainable Development and Climate Change (PhD-SDC) (Roma, 24-25/11/2021):
- Invited lecture on “Il cambiamento climatico e la sostenibilità”
- Invited lecture on “The climate challenge and the latest IPCC report”
- Corso di aggiornamento per professori delle scuole secondarie organizzato dell’Associazione Italiana di Fisica (AIF Pavia, 24/11/21):
- Invited lecture on “La sfida del cambiamento climatico”
- La scienza nel IIIo millennio (Verderio, 19/11/2021):
- Invited talk on “La sfida del cambiamento climatico”
- Architecture and climate change meetings organized by “Biennale di Venezia di Architettura 2022 – Padiglione Italia” (oct-nov 2021):
- Chair of the 4 events, and co-organizer
- Invited lecture on “The climate challenged and the latest IPCC report”
- A2A Milano (22/10/21):
- Invited talk on “Numerical weather prediction”
- Event on “Understanding Seasonal Forecasts”, organized by the EU H2020 project FocusAfrica (13/10/21):
- Invited lecture on “Weather forecasts from days to seasons”
- Workshop “Per una Scienza in Azione”, organized by the “Associazione Medici per l’Ambiente” (1/10/2021):
- Invited lecture on “Le misure necessarie: obiettivo zero emissioni nette”
- International workshop on “Climate & change: legal and ethical implications” (13/09/21):
- Invited lecture on “The climate challenge and the latest IPCC report”
- Workshop “Per una Scienza in Azione”, organized by the “Associazione Medici per l’Ambiente” con il patrocinio dell’Istituto Superiore di Sanita’ (24/09/2021):
- Invited lecture on “L’ultimo rapporto IPCC: codice rosso per la Terra”
- International workshop on “The value of reforecasts and past forecasts”, organized by the UK Meteorological Office (23-24/09/21):
- Invited talk on “Key questions on the generation (and the use) of reforecasts”
- Meeting SCALIURBANI - Conversazioni di architettura, organized by Consiglio nazionale degli architetti (20/09/21):
- Invited talk on “L’ultimo rapporto IPCC: codice rosso per la Terra”
- Workshop on “Mitigazione: obiettivo zero emissioni nette”, organized by the CIMETECH project (22/09/21):
- Invited talk on “The state of the climate, and the latest IPCC report”
- Workshop “Ustica Blue days: la sostenibilita’ dal centro del Mediterraneo” (Ustica, 24/7/21):
- Invited talk on “Il Mediterraneo: una delle aree piu’ a rishcio dell’impatto del cambiamento climatico”
- International workshop on “The role of science in climate litigation”, co-organized by Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna and the “British Institute of International and Comparative Law (BIICL)” (London, 14-15/7/21):
- Co-organizer of the workshop
- Chair of the final panel discussion on “The role of science in international environmental and climate change litigation”
- Delivered an Introduction talk
- Seasonal School on “Climate change and international law: interdisciplinary perspectives”, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna (12-16/7/21):
- Invited lecture on What is climate change and what role can science play to ensure an adequate response? An introduction”
- International Conference “Climate Exp0”, co-organized by the “UK COP26 University Network” and the “Rete delle Universita’ per la Sostenibilita’ (RUS)” (London, 17-21/5/21):
- Co-organizer of the conference, and member of the scientific committee for the organization of the “Nature Based Solution” day;
- Chair of one of the “Nature Based Solution” Sessions;
- Talk during the closing session/Concluding remarks;
- Workshop on “Climate change litigation”, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna (6-7/5/21):
- Invited lecture on “Climate change. A few facts”
- Liceo Scientifico di Menaggio (5/5/21):
- Invited talk on “Il cambiamento climatico”
- Liceo Scientifico Mortara (16/4/21):
- Invited talk on “La sfida del cambiamento climatico: cosa sta accadendo? Perche’ dovremmo agire?”
- Workshop “In dialogo per una nuova alleanza con la Terra”, Centro Etica Ambientale (Bergamo, 19/4/21):
- Invited talk on “Il clima che cambia: osservazioni, proiezioni, azioni”
- Seasonal School on the “Ethics of climate change: reshaping responsibilities for present and future generations”, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna (22-26/2/21):
- Invited lecture on “Climate change: evidence and uncertainties”
- Università Roma Tre (11/12/20):
- Invited lecture on “Uncertainty estimation in weather and climate”
- Workshop Fondazione Pisa / Palazzo Blu (10/12/20):
- Invited lecture on “Il cambiamento climatico”
- Workshop “Lost in Translation”, Istituto di Cultura Svizzero di Roma (2/12/20):
- Invited talk on “Climate change. A few facts”
- Il Circolo, Circolo Culturale Italiano, London (18/11/20):
- Invited talk on “La sfida del cambiamento climatico: aspetti conosciuti e proiezioni future”
- Transdisciplinary Lecture Series 5 – Conversation on the present state – Geopolitics, TU Delft/Dalhousie Univ. University (5/11/21):
- Invited talk on “Variability and predictability of weather and climate”
- Autumn Digital Water School, REWAT project, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna (26/10/20):
- Invited lecture on “Earth-system models for weather and climate”
- Invited lecture on “Weather and climate information for water management”
- Workshop “ImparaConNoi 2020”, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna (19/6/20):
- Invited lecture on “Il cambiamento climatico: fatti e modelli”
- Training seminars “stay connected”, Environment and Climate Change Canada (30/6/20):
- Invited lecture on “Earth-system ensembles for weather and climate”
- Fridays for Future (26/5/21):
- Invited lecture on “Cambiamento climatico: come possiamo motivare azioni per ridurre le emissioni?”
- Stockholm University and Bert Bolin Climate Centre (11/5/20):
- Invited lecture / award: Bert Bolin Climate Lecture on “Climate change: how can we motivate transformation?”
- Invited lecture / award: Bert Bolin Science Seminar on “Uncertainty estimation in weather and climate”
- Oxford University (6/4/20):
- Invited talk on “Ensemble disease prediction”
- Workshop on “Proteggi il Pianeta”, Global Shapers Community Firenze (22/4/20):
- Invited talk on “L’evoluzione climatica del nostro pianeta”
- International Conference on “Ensemble Methods in Modelling, and Data Assimilation (EMMDA-2020), National Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasting (NCMRWF) (Delhi, 24-26/2/2020):
- Invited talk on “Data Assimilation and Ensembles: Two Invaluable Tools to Increase Predictability and Quantify Uncertainty”
- Workshop on “Sfide alla politica: populismo, cambiamento climatico, tecnologie trasformative”, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna Pisa (6-7/2/2020):
- Invited talk on “Cambiamento climatico: ma perché dovrei iniziare io a ridurre le emissioni”
- Workshop of the H2020 EU project AdaptNet project (Universita’ of Milano, 20-25/1/2020):
- Invited lectures on “Introduction to the climate change problem”
- 100th Annual Meeting of the American Meteorological Society (AMS100, Boston, 11-17 Jan 2020):
- Invited talk on ‘Data assimilation and ensembles: two invaluable tools to increase predictability and quantify uncertainty’; co-chair of two sessions
- Workshop on “Climate modelling: different approaches and applications” (IUSS Pavia, 4/12/2019):
- Invited talk on “3CSA: the Centre for Climate Change studies and Sustainable Actions”
- XXIII Meeting dei Diritti Umani, Mandela Forum (Firenze, 10/12/2019):
- Invited talk on “Climate change”
- 12th International Conference of the ERCIM WGon Computational and Methodological Statistics (CMStatistics 2019; London 14-16 Dec 2019):
- Invited talk on ‘Ensemble methods for Weather Prediction’
- I-STORMS Project Workshop on ‘Comuincare l’incertezza delle previsioni meteo-marine’ (Venice, 28-29 oct 2019):
- Invited talk on ‘Fonti di incertezza nei modelli di previsione meteorologica e principali indici di stima’
- Cycle of seminars ‘Dialoghi con la modernità 2019’ (Biella, 21 Oct 2019):
- Invited talk on ‘Cambiamento climatico: un patto per salvare il mondo’
- Workshop on ‘Il cambiamento climatico tra mito e realtà’ (Univ. Pavia, 19 Oct 2019):
- Invited talk on ‘Cambiamenti climatici: osservazioni e proiezioni future’
- Workshop on ‘Nonlinear and stochastic methods in climate and geophysical fluid dynamics’, part of the ‘The Mathematics of Climate and the Environment’ program, Institut Henri Poicaré (Paris 7-11 Oct 2019):
- Invited talk on ‘Numerical modelling applied to weather prediction and climate studies’
- Workshop on ‘Gestione della risorsa idrica nel territorio Apuo-Versiliese’ (4 Oct 2019):
- Invited talk on ‘The global challenge of climate change’
- Workshop on ‘Logistica e nuovi modelli distributivi: il reale impatto sul climate change e le possibili soluzioni’, Aspen Institute Italy (30 Sep 2019):
- Invited talk on ‘Climate change and the transport sector’
- Convegno ‘Cambiamenti climatici e conseguenze sulla vita futura, il cibo e l’agricoltura’ (BioDistretto, Bergamo, 27 Sep 2019):
- Invited talk on ‘Some important facts about climate change’
- Forum ENGIE 2019 PIU’ XMENOCO2 (Milano, 27 Sep 2019):
- Invited talk on ‘La scienza che divulga ed agisce’
- 2nd National Congress of AISAM (Associazione Italiana Scienze dell’Atmosfera e della Meteorologia; Napoli, 24-26 Sep 2019):
- Presentation on ‘Data assimilation, hierarchical models and ensembles: three invaluable tools to deal with operational meteorology’
- Workshop SII-HIS – ‘Celebrazione del decennale della SII-HIS, 2009-2019’ (SII-IHS Bologna, 16 Sep 2019):
- Invited talk on ‘Few considerations on coupled models, climate change and water’, and participation to a panel discussion
- Summer School on ‘Digital water management and water-related agroecosystem services - II Edition (Pisa, 10 Sep 2019):
- Invited talk on ‘Earth-system models for weather prediction and climate studies’
- Invited talk on ‘Weather and climate information for water management’
- EU project GROWINPRO Workshop on ‘Climate Change: Challenges and Opportunities’ (Pisa, 9 September 2019; organizer):
- Talk on ‘Few facts about climate change, and a brief introduction to 3CSA’
- Workshop on ‘Climate change: challenges and opportunities’, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna (Pisa, 27 June 2019; organizer):
- Talk on ‘The Centre on Climate Change of the Scuole Superiori Federate’
- ECMWF Annual Seminar 2019 on ‘Subseasonal and seasonal forecasting: recent progress and future prospects’, ECMWF (Reading UK, 2-5 Sep 2019):
- Invited talk on ‘Taming the butterfly effect to reach subseasonal and seasonal predictability’
- Summer School ‘Le sfide globali’ (Firenze, 12-13 July 2019):
- Invited talk on ‘La sfida globale dei cambiamenti climatici’
- Gran Paradiso Summer School on Critical Zone and Ecosystem Dynamics across Space and Time (Ceresole Reale, 8-11 July 2019):
- Invited talk #1 on ‘Earth-system models, scales’ interactions and predictability’
- Invited talk #2 on ’Land-surface processes in coupled Earth-system models’
- Dynamics and Complexity Pisa 2019 (DCP’19; CNR Pisa, 1-3 July 2019):
- Invited talk on ‘Data assimilation, hierarchical models and ensembles: three invaluable tools to deal with complexity’
- Workshop EU LIFE REWAT project, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna (28 June 2019):
- Invited talk on ‘Weather and climate information to manage water resources’
- Workshop on Earth-system observations, modelling, climate change and the European Copernicus services, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna (27 June 2019; Chair):
- Talk on ‘3CSA: the Centre for Climate Change studies and Sustainable Actions’
- Meeting ‘STEM for Future’, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna (20 June 2019):
- Oral presentation on ‘La sfida dei cambiamenti climatici’
- 1a Conferenza Nazionale sulle Previsioni Meteorologiche e Climatiche, Bologna (16-17 June 2019):
- Oral presentation on ‘Italia Meteo e ECMWF: come meglio utilizzare le sinergie per fornire agli utenti previsioni a breve, medio e lungo termine?
- University of Firenze (Firenze, 7 June 2019):
- Invited lectures on ‘Numerical modelling applied to weather prediction and climate studies (part I and part II)’
- Focus Live Mondadori (Genova, 1-2 June 2019):
- Invited talk ‘Un pianeta in bilico’
- Workshop on ‘Copernicus: il programma Europeo per l’Osservazione della Terra e le sue applicazioni’, Politecnico di Torino (Torino, 30 May 2019):
- Invited talk on ‘Un punto di vista dal mondo accademico: 3CSA, l'iniziativa delle Scuole Universitarie Federate’
- The Fifth International Workshop on Next-Generation NWP Models: Verification and Predictability, KIAPS (22-24 May, Jeju Island, Korea):
- Invited talk on ‘The Forecast Skill Horizon’
- Environmental Engineering, Trento University (9 May 2019):
- Talk on ‘3CSA: the Centre for Climate Change studies and Sustainable Actions’
- Scuola Normale Superiore, SNS Pisa (15 Apr 2019):
- Talk on ‘Numerical modelling applied to weather prediction and climate studies’
- The Grantham Institute - Climate Change and the Environment, Imperial College, London (29 Mar 2019):
- Talk on ‘3CSA: the Centre for Climate Change studies and Sustainable Actions’
- 3CSA(ESSDI) Workshop 3, Istituto Superiore di Studi Avanzati IUSS Pavia, (20-21 March 2019; Chair):
- Opening talk: ‘Status of the new initiative on climate of the ‘Scuole Universitarie Federate’
- Centro di Ricerca sul Sistema Energetico RSE, Milano (20 Feb 2019):
- Invited talk on ‘The need for a probabilistic approach to weather prediction: the ECMWF experience’
- LaMMA/CNR, Firenze (13 Feb 2019):
- Talk on ‘3CSA: the Centre for Climate Change studies and Sustainable Actions’
- Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies SSSA, Pisa (5 Feb 2018):
- Talk on ‘Climate Change: a global, urgent problem’
- ENEL Foundation, Rome (4 Feb 2019):
- Talk on ‘3CSA: the Centre for Climate Change studies and Sustainable Actions’
- Dipartimento di Fisica, Università degli Studi di Milano (29 Jan 2019):
- Talk on ‘‘3CSA: the Centre for Climate Change studies and Sustainable Actions’
- Workshop on ‘Transdisciplinary approaches for sustainable intensification of rural areas: a spotlight on Ethiopia’, Sant’Anna Advanced School of Studies, Pisa (22-23 Jan 2019):
- Invited talk on ‘Weather and climate information for agriculture applications’
- Workshop ‘Terra Chiama – +Europa risponde’ (Accademia Filarmonica Romana, Roma, 15 Dec 2018):
- Invited talk on ‘Climate Change and COP24’
- Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies SSSA, Pisa (13 Dec 2018):
- Talk on ‘Weather, Climate and 3CSA’
- University of Washington (Seattle, 25 September 2018):
- Invited lecture on ‘ECMWF 2016-2025 strategy: moving towards seamless ensembles’
- WCRP Second International Conference on Sub-seasonal to Seasonal Prediction (S2S) and Second International Conference on Seasonal to Decadal Prediction (S2D), Boulder (Colorado, US), 17-21 September 2018:
- Oral presentation on ‘Initialisation and model error simulation in the ECMWF coupled ensembles’
- First National Congress of AISAM (Associazione Italiana Scienze dell’Atmosfera e Meteorologia), Bologna, 10-13 September 2018:
- Open lecture on ‘Previsioni meteo e predicibilita’’
- ESSDI(3CSA) Workshop 2, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, (5-6 July 2018; Chair):
- Opening talk: ‘The new initiative on climate of the ‘Scuole Universitarie Federate’
- Corso di Orientamento Universitario, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna e Scuola Superiore Normale, Pisa, 5 July 2018:
- Invited seminar on ‘Meteorologia e clima (previsioni, proiezioni ed applicazioni): la scienza al servizio dell’umanità’
- EuroGOOS (European Global Ocean Observing System) General Assembly, Brussels, 23-25 May 2018:
- Invited talk on ‘The role of the ocean in weather forecasting’
- ESSDI(3CSA) Workshop 1, Sant’Anna Advanced School of Studies, (10-11 May 2019; Chair):
- Opening talk: ‘A proposal for a new initiative on climate of the ‘Scuole Universitarie Federate’
- SISSA Advanced Workshop on ‘Non-equilibrium Systems in Physics, Geosciences, and Life Sciences’, ICTP Trieste (14-25 May 2018):
- Invited talk on ‘The Forecast Skill Horizon’
- EGU General Assembly 2018, Vienna 8-13 April:
- Oral presentation on ‘The history of HEPEX – a community of practice in hydrologic prediction’
- Invited presentation on ‘ECMWF 2016-2025 strategy: moving towards seamless ensembles’
- ERA-CLIM2 Symposium on ‘Climate Reanalyses and Services for Society’, University of Bern, 14 December 2017:
- Opening talk (meeting co-organizer)
- Oral presentation on ‘Overview of the ERA-CLIM2 project’
- ERA-CLIM2 4th General Assembly, University of Bern, 12-13 Dec 2017:
- Opening talk: ‘Introduction, status and progress of ERA-CLIM2 work’
- ECMWF Council, 7-8 December 2017:
- Invited Lecture on ’25 years of ensemble prediction at ECMWF’
- 5th International Conference on Reanalysis, Rome, 13-17 November 2017:
- Chair of the Scientific Organizing Committee;
- Oral presentation on ‘Reanalyses’ use in weather forecasting’
- Oceans of Knowledge 2017 meeting, Royal Institution, London, 7 November 2017:
- Invited talk on ‘The role of the Ocean in Medium Range Forecasting’
- Annual Meeting of the ‘Societa’ Italiana di Scienze del Clima (SISC) – Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Bologna, 25-26 October 2017:
- Invited presentation on ‘ECMWF 2016-2025 strategy: moving towards seamless ensembles’
- Numerical Modelling, Predictability and Data Assimilation in Weather, Ocean and Climate: A Symposium Honouring the Legacy of Anna Trevisan, Bologna, Italy, 17-20 October 2017:
- Oral presentation on ‘The Forecast Skill Horizon’
- ECMWF Annual Seminar on ‘Ensemble Prediction: past, present and future’, Reading, 11-14 September 2017:
- Chair of the Scientific Organizing Committee;
- Oral presentation on ‘The Forecast Skill Horizon’
- Corso di Orientamento Universitario, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa, 27 June 2017:
- Invited seminar on ‘Clima e meteorologia: previsioni, proiezioni ed applicazioni’
- Giornata Mondiale dell’Ambiente, L’Aquila University, 22 June 2017:
- Invited talk on ‘Previsioni meteo: quali fenomeni riusciamo a prevedere oggi? Quanti giorni in anticipo?’
- Meeting on Research Output Measures, ECMWF, 28 Apr 2017:
- Oral presentation on ‘The ECMWF Research to Operations (R2O) process’
- Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC, Montreal), 30 Jan 2017:
- Invited Seminar on ‘ECMWF Research Developments and Future Plans’
- 97th American Meteorological Society (AMS) Annual Meeting, Seattle, 22-27 Jan 2017:
- Oral presentation on ‘25 years of ensemble prediction at ECMWF’ (https://ams.confex.com/ams/97Annual/webprogram/Paper309208.html)
- Oral presentation on ‘CERA-20C: the ECMWF coupled reanalysis of the 20th century’ (https://ams.confex.com/ams/97Annual/webprogram/Paper309157.html)
- Oral presentation on ‘Intrinsic Limit of Atmospheric Predictability for Mid-Latitude Jet/front Systems’ (https://ams.confex.com/ams/97Annual/webprogram/Paper307752.html)
- ERA-CLIM2 3rd General Assembly, University of Wien, 16-18 Jan 2017:
- Opening talk: ‘Introduction, status and progress of ERA-CLIM2 work’
- Gran Sasso Science Institute (GSSI), L’Aquila, Italy, 17 Nov 2016:
- Invited Seminar on ‘Do we need an Earth-System model also for weather prediction?’
- 15 Anni del Centro di Eccellenza per l'integrazione di Tecniche di Telerilevamento e Modellistica Numerica per la Previsione di Eventi Meteorologici Severi (CETEMPS), L’Aquila, Italy, 17 Nov 2016:
- Invited Seminar on ‘ECMWF Research Developments and future plans’
- Festival della Meteorologia, Rovereto, 11 Nov 2016:
- Oral presentation on ‘Il Centro Meteorologico Europeo: una infrastruttura d’avanguardia al servizio dei suoi utenti’
- WS on ‘Arno 1966: 50 anni di innovazioni in meteorologia’, Academia dei Georgofili, Firenze, 3 Nov 2016 (http://www.area.fi.cnr.it/index.php/en/events/icalrepeat.detail/2016/11/03/35/-/workshop-arno-1966-50-anni-di-innovazioni-in-meteorologia):
- Oral presentation on ‘La modellistica a scala globale: i progressi dell’ECMWF dalla sua fondazione a oggi’
- European meteorological Society (EMS) 16th Annual Meeting, 11-16 Sep 2016, Trieste, Italy:
- Oral presentation on ‘On the transient atmospheric response to an impulsive sea-ice forcing’
- Oral presentation on ‘The Forecast Skill Horizon’
- Laboratorio di Monitoraggio e Modellistica Ambientale (LaMMA) per lo sviluppo sostenibile, Firenze, 7-8 Jul 2016:
- Invited Seminar on ‘Estimating uncertainty with the ECMWF ensembles’
- Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL), Princeton, 16 June 2016:
- Invited Seminar on ‘The ECMWF Coupled data assimilation for climate reanalysis’
- 7th NCEP Ensemble Users Workshop, Washington, US, 13-15 June 2016 (http://www.dtcenter.org/events/workshops16/ensembles/):
- Oral presentation on ‘20+ years of ensemble prediction at ECMWF’
- ERA-CLIM2 M27 Review Meeting, ECMWF, 25 April 2017:
- Opening talk: ‘The ERA-CLIM2 project: introduction, status and progress’
- ECMWF/WWRP Workshop on Model Uncertainty, ECMWF, Reading, UK, 11-15 April 2016:
- Oral presentation on ‘Weather prediction in a world of uncertainties: should we care about model uncertainty?’
- London School of Economics (LSE) Philosophy, Logic and Scientific Methods Group, London, UK, 1 Feb 2016:
- Invited Seminar on ‘Signals and noise, hawk-moths and butterflies: weather prediction in a world of uncertainties’
- 96th American Meteorological Society (AMS) Annual Meeting, New Orleans, 10-14 Jan 2016:
- Oral presentation on ‘A stratospheric link between Barents-Kara sea-ice and the circulation in the North Atlantic’ (https://ams.confex.com/ams/96Annual/webprogram/Paper282747.html)
- Oral presentation on ‘The Forecast Skill Horizon’ (https://ams.confex.com/ams/96Annual/webprogram/Paper290907.html)
- ERA-CLIM2 2nd General Assembly, EUMETSAT, Darmstadt, 9-11 Dec 2015:
- Opening talk: ‘The ERA-CLIM2 project: introduction’
- Meteorological Research Institute (MRI), Tsukuba, 6 Aug 2015:
- Invited Seminar on ‘Estimating uncertainty with the ECMWF ensembles’
- Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA), Tokyo 3-5 Aug 2015:
- Invited Seminar on ‘The Forecast Skill Horizon’
- ECMWF User Meeting 2015, Reading, UK, 8-10 Jun 2015:
- Oral presentation on ‘Estimating uncertainty with the ECMWF ensembles Roberto Buizza (ECMWF)’
- 11th Session of the Forum on Regional Climate Monitoring, Assessment and Prediction for Asia (FOCRAII), Beijing, China. 11-13 May 2015:
- Oral presentation on ‘2014-2015 ENSO Evolution and Forecasts’
- HEPEX Webinar, 30 Sep 2014:
- Webinar on ‘2004-2014: the rise of the meteorological ensembles in the HEPEX decade’
- 1st World Weather Open Science Conference (WWOSC), Montreal, Canada, 16-21 Aug 2014 (http://wwosc2014.org/pdf/20140825-WWOSC-FinalBookofAbstracts.pdf):
- Oral presentation on ‘The Forecast Skill Horizon’
- 10th Anniversary Meeting of the Hydrological Ensemble Prediction Experiment (HEPEX), Washington, US, 24-26 June 2014:
- Oral presentation on ‘A decade of HEPEX – a review of what we have achieved’
- Oral presentation on ‘The rise of ensemble forecasting at ECMWF in the 10 years of HEPEX’
- National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Global Modelling and Assimilation Office (GMAO), 28 Mar 2014:
- Invited Seminar on ‘The ECMWF Ensembles’
- Imperial College, London, UK, 18 March 2014:
- Invited Seminar on ‘Extended-range prediction with coupled ocean-atmosphere models: opportunities and challenges’
- Davos Atmosphere and Cryosphere Assembly (DACA/IUGG) 2013, Davos 8-12 Jul 2013:
- Oral presentation on ‘Ensembles why, and how?’
- Forum Meteo/Clima, Meteo France International Symposium on Climate Risks, Paris, 21 Mar 2013:
- Invited Seminar on ‘Weather Prediction’
- Ensemble Workshop, ECMWF, 29 Nov 2012:
- Oral presentation on ‘20 years of ensemble prediction’
- 12th European meteorological Society (EMS) Meeting, Lodz, 10-14 Sept 2012:
- Strategic Lecture on ‘Seasonal prediction: opportunities and challenges’
- Oral presentation on ‘20 years of ensemble prediction at ECMWF’
- Oral presentation on ‘Single best-guess and ensemble forecasts: what is the value of the additional information provided by ensembles?’
- 91st American Meteorological Society (AMS) Annual Meeting, Seattle, 22-27 Jan 2011:
- Oral presentation on ‘Activities related to wind and wave energy forecasting at ECMWF’
- Oral presentation on ‘Coupled ocean-atmosphere extended-range probabilistic prediction at ECMWF’
- 10th European meteorological Society (EMS) Meeting, ETH Zurich, 13-17 Sept 2010:
- Oral presentation on ‘Singular vector-based thinning of satellite data’
- Oral presentation on ‘Recent changes of the ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System’
- Oral presentation on ‘Horizontal resolution impact on forecast error growth’
- Oral presentation on ‘Comparing TIGGE multi-model and ECMWF calibrated ensembles’
- European Geosciences Union (EGU) 2010 General Assembly EGU, Wien, 2-7 May 2010:
- Oral presentation on ‘Horizontal resolution impact on forecast error growth’
- Oral presentation on ‘Comparing TIGGE multi-model and ECMWF calibrated ensembles’
- Oral presentation on ‘Ensemble Prediction and Data Assimilation at ECMWF’
- Oral presentation on ‘Singular vector-based thinning of satellite data’
- IAPSO 2009 IAMAS/IAPSO/IACS Joint Assembly – 19-29 Jul Montreal 2009:
- Oral presentation on ‘Ensemble Prediction and Data Assimilation at ECMWF’
- CAWCAR (Collaboration for Australian Weather and Climate Research) WS on Ensemble prediction and data assimilation, Melbourne, Australia, 16-20 Feb 2009:
- Oral presentation on ‘Ensemble Data Assimilation and Prediction at ECMWF’
- Public lecture on ‘Chaos, ensembles and weather prediction’
- AOGS (Asia Oceania Geosciences Society), Busan, Korea, 16-20 June 2008:
- Oral presentation on ‘Ensemble Forecasting at ECMWF’
- Oral presentation on ‘The Value of Targeted Observations’
- 3rd Meeting of the Short Range Numerical Weather Prediction (SRNWP) Group, Rome, 10-12 Dec 2007:
- Oral presentation on ‘Status and developments of the ECMWF ensemble’
- Stockholm University, 11 Sep 2007:
- Invited Seminar on ‘The ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System’
- IAMAS 2007 and XXIV IUGG General Assembly, Perugia, 2-13 July 2007:
- Oral presentation on ‘Developments of the ECMWF ensemble system’
- Oral presentation on ‘The value of targeted observations’
- PREVIEW Project Meeting, Paris, 14 Sep 2006:
- Oral presentation on ‘A framework to assess ensemble performance’
- American Institute of Mathematics (AIM) Workshop on “Mathematical and Geophysical Fluid Dynamics”, Palo-Alto, 13-17 February 6:
- Oral presentation on ‘Stochastic modelling and probabilistic weather prediction’
- PREVIEW Project Meeting, Joint Research Centre (JRC), Ispra, Italy, 2-4 Mar 2006:
- Oral presentation on ‘EPS and VarEPS re-forecasts for the PREVIEW special period’
- 2nd Meeting of the Hydrological Ensemble Prediction Experiment (HEPEX), Boulder, US, 19-22 July 2005:
- Oral presentation on ‘TIGGE (the THORPEX Interactive Grand Global Ensemble project)’
- National Centre for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), Boulder, Colorado, 18-19 July 2005:
- Invited Seminar on ‘Medium range ensemble prediction at ECMWF
- Invited Seminar of ‘The value of targeted observations’
- University of Arizona, Tucson, 14 Jul 2005:
- Invited Seminar on ‘Medium-range ensemble prediction at ECMWF’
- National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Global Modelling and Assimilation Office (GMAO), 11 July 2005:
- Invited Seminar on ‘The value of targeted observations’
- Meeting of the Short Range Numerical Weather Prediction (SRNWP) Working Group, Bologna, 7-8 April 2005:
- Oral presentation on ‘TIGGE: the THORPEX Interactive Grand Global Ensemble’
- Oral presentation on ‘Medium-range ensemble prediction at ECMWF’
- 2nd Workshop of the North American Ensemble Forecast System (NAEFS), National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP/NOAA), Washington, U.S.:
- Oral presentation on ‘Ensemble Prediction at ECMWF’
- European Flood Awareness System (EFAS) 2nd Workshop, Joint Research Centre, Ispra, 10-12 Nov 2004:
- Oral presentation on ‘The value of ensemble prediction’
- Institute for Computation Fluid Dynamics (ICFD), Oxford University, Oxford, U.K.:
- Invited Seminar on ‘Stochastic simulations in probabilistic weather prediction’
Lectures at Schools and Training Courses (1992-2016)
- 2016 (every year since 1992) – ECMWF Numerical Weather Prediction Training Course, Module on Predictability:
- Lecture 1: ‘Sources of forecast uncertainties’
- Lecture 2: ‘Simulation of initial uncertainties using singular vectors (SVs) and the ensemble of analyses’
- Lecture 3: ‘Approaches to ensemble prediction: the TIGGE ensembles’
- 2015 - Training Course on ‘Probability and uncertainty: two concepts to be expanded in meteorology’, ARPA Emilia Romagna, Bologna, 9-12 Mar 2015:
- Lecture 1: ‘Ensemble forecasting: how do we simulate initial and model uncertainties at ECMWF?’
- Lecture 2: ‘Ensemble forecast performance: how could we measure it?’
- Lecture 3: ‘How long is the FiSH (Forecast Skill Horizon) length?’
- 2013 – 11th International Summer School on Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences (ISSAOS) on ‘Weather forecasting: from the science to the public’, L’Aquila University, 16-20 Sep 2013:
- Lecture 1: ‘Ensemble forecasting: why is it valuable?’
- Lecture 2: ‘Ensemble forecasting: how can we simulate initial and model uncertainties?’
- Lecture 3: ‘Ensemble forecast skill: how could we measure it?’
- Lecture 4: ‘Diagnostic: how can we learn from past errors?’
- 2011 – Training Course on Predictability and Ensemble Prediction, Chinese Meteorological Administration (CMA), Beijing, 21-25 Nov 2011:
- Lecture 1: ‘ECMWF research activities’
- Lecture 2: ‘Probabilistic prediction at ECMWF’
- Lecture 3: ‘Simulation of initial perturbations in the ECMWF ensembles’
- Lecture 4: ‘Predictability studies and EPS applications’
- Lecture 5: ‘Examples of EPS and S4 ensemble forecasts’
Awards and Recognitions:
- 2022: appointed Scientific Attache' at the Italian Embassy in London
- 2022: appointed Honorary Research Fellow at Imperial College Grantham Institute for Climate Change, London
- 2021: appointed member of an ‘External Review Panel’ by Environment Canada, to assess and review their research to operation process
- 2020: included in the ‘Stanford University list of the top 2% scientist in the world’ in meteorology and atmospheric sciences
- 2020: ‘2020 Bert Bolin Climate Lecture’ and ‘2020 Bert Bolin Science Seminar’, University of Stockholm Bolin Centre for Climate Research (delivered every year by a distinguished climate lecturer, to honour Prof. Bert Bolin, the first chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, IPCC);
- 2020: appointed member of the National Committee who wrote the session of the Italian National Research Plan 2021-2027 on ‘Climate change: mitigation and adaptation’
- 2019-2021: Appointed by the U.K. Meteorological Office as a member of a Science Review Panel of a UK-India project on Weather and Climate Science for Services Partnership;
- 2018-2019: Appointed member of an Independent Review Panel of the Australian Bureau of Meteorology‘s Science to Services Program;
- 2018: Appointed Full Professor in Physics with a “Chiamata Diretta per Chiara Fama’ by the Italian Ministry of University and Research (‘Settore Concorsuale 02/C1, Settore Scientifico Disciplinare FIS/06’);
- 2017: ‘Abilitazione’ to Full Professor in Physics (SC 02/C1; SSD FIS/06) and to Full Professor in Geo-physics (SC 4/A4; SSD GEO/12);
- 2017-2021: Appointed Member of the International Scientific Advisory Panel (ISAP) of the Centre for Climate Research Singapore (CCRS), by the Ministry of Environment and Water resources of Singapore;
- 2002: Buchan prize, awarded by the U.K. Royal Meteorological Society for outstanding scientific contributions in the field of probabilistic numerical weather prediction.