Political Sciences

Historical, economic, legal, political and sociological disciplines make up the educational project of the course in Political Sciences. The primary objective of the course is to promote skills and tools to understand and analyze the political, institutional, social, economic and legal dynamics that characterize contemporary society.
The theoretical tools utilised during the course of study are designed for two purposes: a) interpreting the comparison of institutional structures within the European and international framework and b) analysing and understanding public policy implementation processes within the administrative apparatus of the state and of the supranational institutions.
At the Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies, students follow a supplementary education pathway to the ordinary course that ensures the high quality of their studies.
Every aspect of the students' cultural and professional enrichment is tended to, being especially supported by the following:
- high quality internal courses, continuous interdisciplinary dialogue;
- exchange programmes with the most prestigious national and international university institutions;
- conferences and lecture series with special scientific and cultural value;
- internships with Italian and foreign companies.
Honours Students who decide to study Political Sciences at the Sant’Anna School of Advaced Studies follow a supplementary education: Honours Courses at the School and a Study Programme at the University of Pisa, where they can choose:
First cycle (Bachelor) programmes: Political Science (L-36).
Second cycle (Master) programmes: International Studies (LM-52); Public administration sciences (LM-63) at the University of Pisa; European and International studies (LM-52) joint title with the School and the University of Trento; International relation and European studies (LM-52/LM-90); Institutional and market policies (LM-62) and Sociology and global challenges (LM-88) joint title with the School and the University of Florence.