NBFC - National Biodiversity Future Center
The Vision of NBFC is to promote the sustainable management of Italian biodiversity in order to improve the planet's health and return beneficial effects, essential for all people.
The general objectives of such a unique cross-disciplinary and innovative platform are (1) to understand and to address direct drivers for biodiversity decline at marine, terrestrial and urban level and (2) to valorize biodiversity to make it a central element for sustainable development. As a main legacy of the NBFC, a Biodiversity Scientific Gateway will be established which will act as a National Centre to drive the development of biodiversity related KETs to enhance research fostering the science-to-policy processes in conservation, restoration, and valorization in biodiversity.
NBFC is coordinated by the National Research Council and involves a strong network of 48 partners, establishing a partnership among public, non-profit, and private entities, chosen according to their demonstrated scientific, technological, ethical and market leaderships. It will be coordinated by a Hub with strong management capabilities and will address and enhance international networking and joint initiatives in the area of biodiversity development, protection and restoration.
The NBFC has been conceived following the Hub & Spoke model. The Hub will ensure the overall management of the research program. Eight nodes (spokes and affiliates) will guarantee the implementation of the activities: six Nodes will be devoted to scientific research on three main thematic areas of the Mediterranean region, namely, marine, terrestrial, and urban biodiversity. The seventh Node will enhance and exploit the objectives and results making them available for society and the eighth Node will be dedicated to support KETs and Open Innovation.
The SSSA is involved in Node 7, activity 5. The activities carried out will be:
- to provide counselling for companies about innovation, impact and outreach in the field of biodiversity
- to provide Services to biodiversity researchers in the field of management, innovation, impact and outreach.
- to leverage on biodiversity for more sustainable and inclusive societies and economies.
- to create synergies with the General Confederation of Italian Industry and to define a strategic work plan with the General Confederation of Italian Industry.
- to collect at least 30 pilot cases of circular economy and green economy
- to define how to measure the economic, social and environmental impact impact and the performance of activities in the field of biodiversity
- to design an APP certified by NBFC
CNR - Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
National Biodiversity Future Center, società consortile a responsabilità limitata
Spoke 7 - SSSA Principal Investigator: prof. Andrea Piccaluga
Institutes/Research Centers involved
- Institute of Management
- The BioRobotics Institute
- Institute of Mechanical Intelligence
- Center of Plant Sciences
- Crop Science Research Center
36 months (1 September 2022 - 31 August 2025)
Budget SSSA
3.016.842,50 euro