PHOtonics technology: 22 scholarships up to 49,000 euro to attend PIXNET two-year master’s program erasmus+ international. new Call deadline is march 2019

The Master’s course on Photonic Integrated Circuits, Sensors and NETworks (PIXNET) is a two-year program aimed at training young engineers in photonics technology, photonic integrated circuits and optical transport networks. The programme is an interdisciplinary, multinational, joint initiative delivered by an international consortium of top-level higher education institutions: Sant’Anna School Institute of Communication, Information and Perception Technologies (TeCIP) – Pisa, Aston University, Technische Universiteit - Eindhoven and Osaka University.
The PIXNET Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree (EMJMD) international path under the European Commission Erasmus+ - key action 1 – Mobility offers 22 scholarships for a two-year program, covering tuition fees, travel costs, accommodation and board up to 49,000 Euro. The Selection Committee will evaluate candidates with higher merits. The PIXNET Consortium partners appoint the Selection Committee members.
The European partners, Sant’Anna School INPHOTEC Lab., Aston University and the Technische Universiteit – Eindhoven will provide fabrication facilities for innovative optical manufacturing technologies and high-performance miniaturization for a wide range of applications. In particular, the INPHOTEC Lab. has the expertise to guide students to create a paradigm shift in the development and manufacturing of cost-effective integrated components.
The successful completion of the Master’s program will lead to the award of an MSc qualification by Aston University, Technische Universiteit - Eindhoven and Osaka University and a First Level Master’s certificate issued by Sant’Anna School where students are required to earn a minimum of 1-semester course credits.
All Applicants must enter their application by March 1, 2019, choosing the relevant category under which to apply, as a Partner-countries student (non-EU and non-Resident in EU, including Iceland, Liechtenstein, Turkey and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia). Students from the EU Member States or resident in EU over the last five years, including Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Turkey may apply until 15 March 2019 choosing the Programme-country student category.
Please visit for more information on application process 2019-2021.