Associate Professor
Dirpolis Institute
Eloisa Cristiani
Eloisa Cristiani is associate professor in Agricultural Law at DIRPOLIS Institute, Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies and member of the Scientific Board of the PhD Programme in Politics, Human Rights and Sustainability.
She graduated at the University of Pisa in 1984 defending a thesis on the “Systematic profiles of farmers registers”, Agricultural Law Area (110/110 laude) under the supervision of prof. Antonio Carrozza. The PhD degree followed in 1991 with a thesis titled “Introduction to research on interferences between agrarian and environmental law” at Law Faculty - University of Pisa.
Since 1997 to 2001 she chaired a course on “Foundamentals of law” at the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Pisa; while in 2000/2001 she gave a module on “Agricultural Law” in the Tropical and Subtropical Agriculture curriculum at the University of Florence. Since 1998 up to now, she though a course on Agricultural and Environmental Law at the Sant’Anna School, complemented, since 2001, with a course on Agricultural and Food Law.
In the last years Eloisa’s scientific activity focused on the impact of environmental law on agricultural law – a topic already introduced in her graduation thesis. In pursuing this exploration, she investigated the field of organic agriculture by publishing a book titled “La disciplina dell’agricoltura biologica fra tutela
dell’ambiente e sicurezza alimentare” [The regulation on organic agriculture between environmental protection and food security] (Giappichelli, Torino, 2004). The book presents an extensive analysis of the origins and current developments of organic agriculture law, by complementing juridical research with insights coming from teaching activity at the National School of Organic Agriculture and the Minister of Agriculture and Forest (2000 and 2001).
She is member of the editorial board of the Rivista di Diritto Agrario since 1989 and registered to the Bar (Pisa) since july 1992 (now in the Special List). For 20 years she has been secretariat of the Associazione Italiana Cultori di Diritto Agrario and organised a number of national and international meeting and conferences.
Since 2007 she coordinated and chaired the Food Security and Safey Day at the Sant’Anna School; proceedings of two of the day have been edited by Eloisa, namely “Regole delle produzioni locali e mercato globale” [Rules of local production and global market] (2009) and “Biotecnologie per organismi geneticamente migliorati e modelli di produzione in agricoltura” [Biotecnology for genetically improved organisms and production models in agriculture] (2010).
In time, Eloisa collaborated with the organisation and tought dedicated modules in master courses at the Scuola Sant’Anna, amongst the others the Master in “Environmental Management and Control” and the Master in “Italian wine and global markets”.
Amongst the projects Eloisa coordinated two are particularly worth of mention; first the project titled “Energy issues between food crisis and sustainable development. Rules and opportunities for farmers”, whose outputs are forthcoming with the title “The agroenergy farm. Legal framework, instruments and incentives”; second, the project “The juridical qualification of water as a food” investigating the quality of water for human consumption, the safety of water and the rules regarding its marketing to protect the consumers.