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Ph.D. Positions within Marie Sklodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network and European Consortium “HealthPros”, at Sant’Anna School - Pisa

Publication date: 22.12.2017
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Through the European Healthcare Performance Intelligence Professional (HealthPros) Consortium, the Management and Health Laboratory of Sant’Anna School partners with the Academic Medical Centre of the University of Amsterdam (The Netherlands; D. Kringos, N. Klazinga), the North Denmark Region/Aalborg University Hospital (Denmark; J. Mainz, S.P. Johnsen), the Optimedis AG (Germany; O. Groene), the University of Surrey (UK; S. de Lusignan, F. Carinci), the Corvinus University of Budapest (Hungary; L. Gulácsi, P. Baji), and the University of Toronto (R. Cockerill) / Canadian Institute for Health Information (Canada; K. Morris) to train a new generation of Healthcare Professionals.

The objective of the PhD candidates is to develop an effective analysis of healthcare performance data to improve integrated service delivery, improve patients’ engagement in their healthcare decision-making, enhance equality in access to healthcare, improve health outcomes, minimize waste and improve quality.

The European Healthcare - HealthPros Consortiumwill train 13 PhD candidates: 2 of the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Innovative Training Networks (ITN) grants were awarded to the Management and Health Laboratory in Pisa.

The HealthPros training network will offer an innovative 3-year program of collaborative, multidisciplinary and entrepreneurial education. Performing innovative research, HealthPros consortium will develop tools and implement methods to simplify the process of healthcare performance measurement as well as the governance mechanisms impact on the institution’s performance. An effective use of the Healthcare Performance Intelligence by different end-users will match the different healthcare systems in the Netherlands, Denmark, Germany UK, Italy, Hungary and Canada and support the adaptation of methods and tools to other countries.

PhD candidates’ recruitment process will start in January 2018. The successful candidate will be willing to be based abroad and at the time of the appointment candidates must have had less than 4 years research experience. To be eligible for the PhD position, applicants must not have already obtained a PhD degree.

Click here for more information on HEALTHPROS project

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