Improving the knowledge of mathematical methods among graduate students in economic and social sciences: in San Miniato (Pisa) the ‘Summer School of Mathematics for Economic and Social Sciences’
The event is organised by the Institute of Economics of the Sant'Anna School and the Ennio De Giorgi Centre of the Scuola Normale and has been a standing event for more than ten years

The ‘Summer School of Mathematics forEconomicand Social Sciences’ is being organised by the Institute of Economics of the Sant'Anna School and the Ennio De Giorgi Centre for Mathematical Research of the Scuola Normale Superiore. It will take place between Monday 9 and Friday 13 September at the Fondazione Conservatorio Santa Chiara, in San Miniato (Pisa) and has been a standing appointment for more than ten years.
The “Summer School of Mathematics for Economic and Social Sciences” aims to improve the knowledge of mathematical methods among graduate students in economics and social sciences, with a focus on those techniques which albeit widespread in use are not properly covered in typical graduate programs. The Summer School is an interdisciplinary venue intended to foster the interaction of people coming from the too often separated communities of mathematical and social scientists. Among the lecturers, Guido Germano (University College London) taught students how to transform mathematical equations and models into effective programming code. The topics covered by Guido Germano ranged from random number generation to the Fourier transform.
Cover Photo: students who attended the Summer School, together with some lecturers.