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Festa della Toscana 2024 dedicated to genius and innovation: on the morning of Saturday 30 November in Florence, the solemn session of the Regional Council with the participation of Sabina Nuti, Rector of the Sant'Anna School

To celebrate the abolition of the death penalty in the Grand Duchy of Tuscany, decreed on 30 November 1786 at the behest of Pietro Leopoldo of Lorraine
Publication date: 28.11.2024
Festa della Toscana 2024
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‘Tuscany, land of genius and innovation’ is the title of Tuscany Day 2024, the initiative of the Regional Council of Tuscany that, every year, celebrates the abolition of the death penalty in the Grand Duchy of Tuscany, decreed on 30 November 1786 by will of Pietro Leopoldo of Lorraine. The centrepiece of the 2024 edition will be the solemn sitting of the legislative assembly, scheduled for Saturday 30 November, starting at 10 a.m. at the La Compagnia cinema, in Via Cavour, Florence. After the musical prelude by Giulia Mazzoni, speeches will be given by, among others, Sabina Nuti, Rector of the Sant'Anna School in Pisa; Paolo Galluzzi, historian of science and member of the Accademia dei Lincei and the Royal Swedish Academy, together with the President of the Region of Tuscany Eugenio Giani and the President of the Regional Council Antonio Mazzeo

The Festa della Toscana will continue on Saturday afternoon, 30 November in Florence with the ‘Palazzo aperto’ initiative and the opportunity for citizens to visit Palazzo del Pegaso and Palazzo Bastogi, two of the main offices of the Region of Tuscany in Florence, with free guided tours (bookings already sold out). On Sunday, 1 December, the Festa della Toscana will continue in Cascina (Pisa), where Gregory Summers, executed in Texas in 2006, is buried, with a music and spoken-word show. 

Further details on the programme of events, also distributed in numerous municipalities, are available on the website of the Regional Council of Tuscany.