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‘Countering early school leaving. A multidisciplinary analysis of a complex phenomenon' is the book edited by Francesca Biondi Dal Monte and Simone Frega, which reflects on how to tackle it, interweaving theory, research and concrete experiences

In order to address one of the most complex and significant challenges for the Italian education system, it is essential to fully understand its causes and to adopt targeted interventions

Publication date: 07.01.2025
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The book ‘Contrasting early school leaving. A Multidisciplinary Analysis of a Complex Phenomenon", edited by Francesca Biondi Dal Monte and Simone Frega, respectively associate professor and research fellow in Constitutional Law at the Sant'Anna School, presents a reflection on how to tackle early school leaving, interweaving theory, research and concrete experiences. The text explores good practices that have proved effective in combating early school leaving and promoting educational success. Early school leaving represents one of the most complex and significant challenges for the Italian education system. In order to tackle this phenomenon in a truly effective way, it is essential to fully understand its causes and to adopt targeted interventions that guarantee every student the right to a complete and inclusive education. 

Lawyers, pedagogues, anthropologists and sociologists contribute their expertise, proposing solutions and measures aimed at responding to early school leaving from different angles. In particular, the book stands out for the synergic approach it promotes, emphasising how collaboration between schools, families, local institutions and the Third Sector is fundamental to building a more equitable and effective education system. The reflection on the value of a network of different actors working together synergistically emerges clearly through the experiences gathered in schools. Only through constant dialogue and the direct involvement of all social actors is it possible to guarantee concrete opportunities for growth for every student.

The book is also available in e-book format on the Mulino website and is also freely accessible in Open Access mode on the Darwinbooks platform.