Changed by Women, the Bocconi University project that collects the extraordinary stories of 99 women who can inspire the next generation of girls: among them Sabina Nuti, rector of Sant'Anna School. Event in Milan on Friday, March 8

Betting on the future, but also inspiring the next generation of girls who want to build their life path and make a positive impact on society. This is the common thread of Changed by Women, the Bocconi University project that brings together the extraordinary stories of 99 women who have pursued their dreams and changed the future, such as Sabina Nuti, rector of the Sant'Anna School.
Changed by Women is also the title of the event that takes place on Friday, March 8, beginning at 8:30 p.m., in the Aula Magna of Bocconi University, Milan. The event is structured into five sessions: the rector of the Sant'Anna School participates in the Prepararsi session, moderated by Silvia Sciorilli Borrelli, Italy correspondent for the Financial Times. Talking with Sabina Nuti are Sophia Giacchi, product manager of SkinCeuticals, and Monica Possa, group chief HR & organization officer of Generali.
More info HERE.