Artificial intelligence and educational processes: Sant'Anna School is coordinating the Tuscan consortium in a tender funded by the Council of Europe to identify a group of interdisciplinary experts. The lines of action for the next two years
Artificial intelligence and educational processes: Sant'Anna School is coordinating the Tuscan consortium in a tender funded by the Council of Europe to identify a group of interdisciplinary experts. The lines of action for the next two years

As part of a tender financed by the Council of Europe and aimed at identifying a group of interdisciplinary experts to analyse the role of artificial intelligence in the educational sector, Sant'Anna School is coordinating the Tuscan consortium, composed of Denise Amram, researcher in Comparative Private Law at the LIDER Lab of the Dirpolis Institute (Law, Politics, Development) selected for ethical and legal profiles and Fabio Pinelli, lecturer in Computer Science at the Scuola Alti Studi IMT Lucca, for machine learning techniques.
Between Tuesday 21 and Thursday 22 November, the group of experts met in Strasbourg to agree on the lines of action for the next two years, in order to support the Council of Europe's policies in an area in which the use of artificial intelligence-based technologies, including generative ones, is constantly increasing.
"The daily use of platforms and systems based on user profiling in educational processes", explains Denise Amram, "requires Member States to take responsibility for implementing specific standards and assessment tools, to prevent arbitrary use of artificial intelligence systems from having distorting effects on society, e.g. in selection and assessment processes, but also in teaching and learning activities. This is true for every level of education and for every opportunity to develop new knowledge and skills, both for children and adults".
Defining virtuous processes for the adoption of such systems in the perspective of promoting human rights for a more inclusive society is a priority of the international working group, which is strongly oriented towards analysing the needs of the different categories of stakeholders.