Writefull trial for Sant’Anna academic community

We have a Writefull trial!
We have obtained a one-month institutional trial of Writefull.
What is Writefull?
Writefull helps students and researchers with their scientific writing. It offers automated language feedback and writing widgets tailored to academic writing, using AI language models that have been trained on published papers. These models are trained on millions of published journal articles, making Writefull’s feedback tailored to academic writing.
How to access Writefull?
You can download Writefull for Word and/or Writefull for Overleaf (LaTeX editor) from the Writefull website:
Our Writefull Revise link: https://revise-santannapisa-it.writefull.ai/
Our Writefull Cite link: https://cite-santannapisa-it.writefull.ai/
Creating an account
Create a Writefull account with your institutional email address: