Transformative agreements
The Library has signed a few so-called Transformative Agreements with some of the most influent international publishers. These agreements have been achieved through the negotiation by the Italian CRUI consortium (Conferenza Rettori Università Italiana).
With these agreements, authors affiliated to the Sant’Anna School are eligible to publish Open Access, at no additional cost. APCs (Article Processing Charges) are covered by the Sant’Anna Library subscription fees.
The number of available articles per year, set in the agreement, is estimated to cover the most of the demand of the whole consortium; there are no pre-assigned amounts of articles to each participating university. When the established annual amount ends, further articles may be published in OA only upon payment of the fee by the author.
In the submission process, after the peer-review and the acceptance, the author is asked to choose whether to publish in OA or in paid access journals. To know if the author is eligible to publish in OA with no fees, the affiliation must be checked by the Library staff. When the affiliation is confirmed, the author will be notified by the publisher of the right (or less) to publish OA at no additional cost.
Authors will maintain their copyright. The licenses used are Creative Commons (CC).
These are the current available Transformative Agreements:
SPRINGER | Length: 2020 - JUNE 2025 |
EMERALD | Length: 2020 - 2025
Licence: CC-BY Green Open Access conditions: the author can deposit and use the Author Accepted Manuscript (AAM) on the personal website, in the institutional repository or in the research area, in the Social Collaboration Networks (SCNs) adhering to the Voluntary STM Sharing Principles, for teaching or training. |
WILEY | Length: 2024-2027 Green Open Access conditions: the author can deposit the Author Accepted Manuscript (AAM) in the institutional repository (IRIS) with a 12 months embargo period. |
CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS | Length: 2023-25 Hybrid journals list: hybrid and Gold Open Access journals, see here the list. Accepted papers: research articles, review articles, rapid communications, breif reports, case reports Licence: CC-BY Management of the publishing flow: start the submission process from the ejournal’s website. After the acceptance, the Corresponding Author will receive an email with a link to access the platform and enter his affiliation and the chosen publishing model. Librarians verify and confirm the author's affiliation to cover the APCs with vouchers. See detailed information here. |
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) | RENEWAL AGREEMENT NOT YET REACHED. STARTING FROM 01/01/2025 OA FEES NO LONGER COVERED. |
ELSEVIER | Length: 2023-2027 Management of the publishing flow: the author workflow is managed by the Publisher on a dedicated platform, EOAP. After the acceptance, the Corresponding Author will receive an email with a link to access the platform and enter his affiliation (using the institutional email address and the correct formal name of the Institution). In this step, the CA can choose between two publishing options: Open Access or standard (subscription) license. Librarians verify and confirm the author's affiliation. The APC equipment is UNLIMITED (from 2025). Elsevier Author OA Help Post Acceptance Workflow Video Self-archiving (Green OA): For articles published under standard license (subscription journals), it will be possible to upload the Author Accepted Manuscript version, or Post Print, in the IRIS institutional repository, with a 12-month embargo for all the Elsevier hybrid journals, even those with a higher requested embargo. |