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Digital Thesis Archive

What is the Digital Thesis Archive (DTA)?

The DTA is the digital thesis archive in which the final documents of the Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies are filed, starting from 2016: first/second-level honors diploma theses, PhD theses and Project Works related to first/second level Master’s diplomas.

The documents are accessible via the public interface at the following address: and via the Onesearch discovery tool, by setting the filter to Digital Thesis Archive.

What can be consulted?

The DTA is an Open Access institutional archive: it is always possible to consult the bibliographical records of all the documents stored.

The authors can render the document immediately accessible in full text, or submit the document to an embargo period in the case of given, duly substantiated conditions, after which the full document becomes accessible.

Is depositing the theses and documents in the School’s digital archive a mandatory requirement?

Yes, the self-archiving requirement forms part of the thesis submission process, as established by the Guidelines for the electronic submission of theses of the Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies (see attachment on the right), issued by the Academic Senate in compliance with the provisions of applicable laws.

Is the thesis required to comply with a formal standard?

Yes, theses must meet formal requirements (stylistic and drafting), given their nature of scientific documents. In the box on the right, you can download the Recommendations to comply with the standard required.

The Recommendations provide suggestions and examples regarding the parts which comprise a thesis, their formatting, numbering the paragraphs, bibliographic styles and other aspects about the correct use of material under copyright.