Leonardo Ricotti, Ph.D., (date of birth: 02/03/1982) is Associate Professor of Bioengineering at Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna and head of the “Regenerative Technologies” Lab at the BioRobotics Institute. He holds a course on “Micro-Nano Robotics and Biomaterials” at the M.Sc. in Bionics Engineering and other courses dedicated to PhD students and undegraduate students of Scuola Sant'Anna. He has supervised or co-supervised 13 PhD students, working on regenerative medicine, biomaterials and artificial organs, and 43 M.Sc. theses on bioengineering topics. He carries out innovative research efforts at the interface between different disciplines, such as robotics and mechatronics, materials science, molecular biology and biotechnology. He is co-author of ~ 100 scientific publications (77on ISI journals) and 6 book chapters on micro-nano systems for biomedical applications. He is also the inventor of 15 patents. He is Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on NanoBioscience and of the IEEE Transactions on Medical Robotics and Bionics. In 2012, he received the “Massimo Grattarola” award for the best PhD Thesis in bioengineering (Thesis title: “Development of bio-hybrid actuators”). In July 2014, he was awarded with the European Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering Doctoral Award. In 2018, he received regional and national prizes as a member of the spin-off company Relief s.r.l. He currently coordinates a European project (ADMAIORA - ADvanced nanocomposite MAterIals fOr in situ treatment and ultRAsound-mediated management of osteoarthritis), funded in the H2020 framework and he is unit PI for other projects funded by the European Community, INAIL and companies.
Leonardo Ricotti focuses on the following research activity domains: regenerative medicine, biomaterials, artificial/bioartificial organs, bio-hybrid robotics, nanotechnology, advanced materials for bioengineering, targeted drug delivery systems