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Portable exoskeleton for the rehabilitation and care of the plexus-leso patient: follow-up
progetto BioArm

BioARMnext is a research project, follow-up of the BioARM project, promoted by INAIL in collaboration between the BioRobotics Institute of the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna (SSSA), the University Campus Biomedico of Rome (UCBM), the Valduce Hospital - ‘Villa Beretta’ Rehabilitation Centre and the University of Pisa (UNIPI). The project aims to engineer the shoulder-elbow exoskeleton developed within the BioARM project, through the improvement of mechatronic performance, the integration of innovative hybrid control strategies, both for the decoding of motor intentions - also through the use of minimally invasive interfaces - and for the piloting of the actuation and functional electrical stimulation system (FES). Moreover, through collaboration with several clinical centres, first and foremost the Inail Prosthesis Centre, the BioARMnext project also aims to carry out more intensive experimentation with patients: going beyond what was planned in the BioARM project, in which the objective of experimentation is to verify the feasibility of the approach and to test the safety and efficacy of the orthosis developed, BioARMnext aims to verify that the shoulder-elbow orthosis, suitably improved in its performance, is able to determine an effective improvement in the quality of life of users.

MAIN PARTNER: Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna – Istituto di BioRobotica 
PERIOD AND DURATION: 2023-2026 (36 mesi)
FUNDING: € 2.260.000,00 

Principal Investigators

  • SSSA: Prof. Nicola Vitiello (PI), Dr. Emilio Trigili (CoPI)
  • INAIL: Ing. Emanuele Gruppioni (PI)

Principal Co-Investigators

  • SSSA: Prof. Christian Cipriani
  • UCBM: Prof. Loredana Zollo
  • VALDUCE: Prof. Franco Molteni
  • UNIPI: Prof. Carmelo Chisari
