Research fellows
Dirpolis Institute
Ilaria Santoemma
Ilaria Santoemma is Research Fellow in Political Philosophy at DIRPOLIS Institute under the supervision of Prof. Barbara Henry in the context of the SERICS project - Security and Rights in the Cyberspace - with a grant on the role of feminist political epistemologies and Cyborg Theory in security studies and the ethical-political dimension of Cyberspace. Previously Research Fellow in the Pro3 Project on Gender Inequality within the academic context under the supervision of Prof. Anna Loretoni.
Ph.D. in Human Rights and Global Politics (Curriculum Political Philosophy) from Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna of Pisa with the thesis: "A Cartography of the Posthumanities. From Epistemologies to Political Philosophy" . The thesis won the Paola Bora Prize 2023 for the best PhD Thesis in Gender Studies and Feminist Theory, She is member of the PRI (Posthuman Research Institute) at Brock University.
Background in Philosophy from University of Bologna and Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Her philosophical background is intertwined with a transdisciplinary approach to gender and women studies and NT studies. Graduated with honors in Philosophy from University of Bologna with a Master’s Degree thesis on the relationship between bodies, gender and subjectivity in biocapitalism, supervisors Prof. Faralli, Prof. Brigati, and Dr. Balzano.
In 2020 she was a visiting Ph.D. at the Posthuman Research Institute of Brock University (ON, Canada) under the supervision of Prof. Christine Daigle. She is a founding member of the RPI (Italian Posthuman Network).
She has been external lecturer of the science module of the Master's in Gender Studies and Policies at RomaTre University coordinated by Prof. Federica Giardini. She is coordinator and lecturer of the module starting in 2022.
She is Adjunct Professor in Women and Social Sciences in UnIversity of Bologna, GEMMA Master.
Her main research areas are Contemporary Political Philosophy, Gender Studies and Feminist Theory.
She has dealt in particular with the topics of feminist political epistemology, subjectivity from a Foucauldian and gender perspective, critical posthumanism, autonomy and self-determination, biolabour and late digital techno-capitalism, and New materialism.
Dal Cyborg alla farfalla monarca. Introduzione al pensiero di Donna Haraway. Seminario presso il Corso di Antropologia ambientale del Prof. Lorenzo D'Angelo, Università La Sapienza, Roma. 20/10/2022
Verso Futuri Transpecie, (con Balzano A., Bosisio E.) Lavagne, Festival della Letteratura di Mantova 2022. 08/09/2022
Thinking-with Physalia; Panel “Posthuman Sympoieisis” (Balzano A., Bosisio E., Mazzella B., Santoemma I.), 11th EFRC – European Feminist Conference – Social Change in a Feminist Perspective, University of Milano Bicocca 15/18 June 2022
Posthumanism and Transhumanism. Genealogie e differenze, Ubi Minor Seminario, Università di Bologna, “Luminose Ambivalenze. Figure e modi delle pratiche conoscitive” a.a. 2021/22. 6/04/2022
Conchiglie in Acido, Laboratorio in Diversity Management Course, Prof. Balzano, Università di Bologna, 16/03/2022
Alteridad Presentation of the "Dizionario del Postumanesimo". Simposio: "Posthumanismo. Un nuevo lenguaje para intepretar el mundo", University of Salamanca 4-5 July 2021
Cyberfemminismo, postumano, compost. Ibridazioni per soggettività zoe-geo-techno mediate. Lesson - Course: "Dalla Cyborg Theory allo Xenofemminismo", Prof.ssa Barbara Henry, 2020/2021, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna; (May 20th, 2021).
Posthuman Design. An attempt to de-colonize the one-sided human-technology relation. Selected presentation in Philosophy of Human-Technology Relations PHTR 2020, DesignLab, University of Twente; (November 4-7th 2020).
Compost Figurations: Donna Haraway's Cthulucene as a set for posthuman subjectivities. Selected talk, "Posthumanism: Cinema Philosophy Media" at Brock University, ON Canada, postponed due to the Covid Global Pandemic (May 15-16th,2020)
Inhabiting New Hybrid Forms of Life. Between a Transhuman and a Posthuman Subjectivity - Seminario di Professionalizzazione e Ricerca PhDs, Interdisciplinar Humanities Department - Brock Univeristy, ON, Canada. (Feb, 25th, 2020)
Post-human. Una cartografia dei paradigmi e delle soggettività. Lesson - in: Master in "Studi e Politiche di Genere" Coordinator Prof. ssaFederica Giardini - Università Roma Tre; Modulo Scienze - Prof.ssa Angela Balzano. (Dec. 7th, 2019)
Panel Proponent and Presentation: Santoemma I., A time to yearn or a place to inhabit? Futurability in the Anthropocene era; within the proposed panel "The Posthuman shift in the Anthropocene: a question of Space and Time" Santoemma I., Missiroli P., Balzano A., Bosisio E.; 11th Beyond Humanism Conference: Critical Posthumanism and Transhumanism. The posthuman paradigm shift. Catholic University of Lille, 9-12/07/2019, France.
Paper Presentation: Santoemma I.,(&Capasso M.) "Genetic Enhancement and the Crisp/Cas9 case: an attempt for a Multi-level Agency Approach", Third International Workshop on Ethics and Human Enhancement, 3rd and 4th June 2019, Universidad de Granada; organized by BIOethAI+ Project and Wellcome Centre fot Ethics and Humanities (Universidad de Granada - Oxford University.
Lesson: "Il pensiero di Rosi Braidotti. Dalla soggettività nomade al Postumano” nel Corso di Genere e teoria politica. Nuove metodologie e Intersectionality (2cfu) Prof.ssa Loretoni, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna Pisa. (01/04/2019)
Talk: “I diritti riproduttivi e il movimento femminista sull’aborto in Italia: il caso della legge 194” in Corso di Etica e Politica nella prospettiva di Genere (36666 - 3cfu) a.a. 2018/19 delle Prof.sse Carla Faralli e Raffaella Lamberti: Donne in Italia tra XX e XXI secolo. Figure Congiunture Eventi Movimenti. – Università di Bologna ed Associazione Orlando - Centro delle donne di Bologna. (19/11/2018)